Ofsted Questions to SENCos (93KB)
10th June 2021These are questions that SENCos have identified were asked of them at Ofsted inspections during inspections in 2019. -
Covid19 and SEN (190KB)
15th June 2020This short article, is a briefing of guidance and resources relating to Covid19 and SEN that may be of interest and value to SENCos. -
SNIP SEND Update March 2020 (248KB)
23rd February 2020Brief update on SEND issues arising from Governmental departments, tribunal data, adoption of looked-after children, EYFS and KS4 performance tables, Transition Matrices, Pupil Premium, research and resources. -
SEND Update July-October 2019 (233KB)
24th October 2019This SEND update highlights some of the main reports which have been published since July 2019. They include information on exclusions, attendance, inspection, support for SEN pupils, the Ofsted Inspection Framework and Key Stage assessment results. -
Well being (311KB)
4th June 2019The DfE's guidance states: If schools suspect a pupil has a mental health problem they should use the graduated response process (assess-plan-do-review) to put support in place. This article aims to identify strategies that support the APDR process. -
SEND Myths (283KB)
4th June 2019Here are nine SEND Myths and responses indicating the true facts behind them along with references to gain more information. -
Understanding Attachment (254KB)
12th February 2019This information was produced in November 2018 to raise awareness of: what attachment difficulties are; how they adversely affect pupil and school success and what schools can do about this. -
Teaching strategies to support learning for all (286KB)
9th February 2019This information identifies the action that schools can deliver to ensure all staff are enabled to make their teaching accessible to the great majority of pupils. -
Precision Teaching (717KB)
9th February 2019This pack is aimed at increasing the reading ages of pupils in KS3 with moderate reading difficulties. It is intended for use with pupils from Y8 and above with reading ages of 10+ to prepare them for their GCSE studies. -
Measuring Progress for Pupils with SEND (170KB)
13th January 2019Since levels have been discarded schools need to base their ideas on individual pupil progress upon the curriculum they have devised and the assessment policy they have produced. This articles guides the reader through the process. -
Times Table and SEN (686KB)
8th February 2018From 2019/20 all pupils at the end of KS2 will undergo an online test of their ability to recall their times tables up to 12 x 12. Not all pupils will find committing their times table to memory to be an achievable task, particularly those with special needs and/or disabilities. This article explores ways of making the task easier. -
SEND Funding (557KB)
10th December 2017This 'SEND Funding' article aims to identify the responsibilities in this area as described by guidance and legislation. -
Wellbeing resources (400KB)
22nd November 2017This information aims to identify no-cost resources to help raise staff awareness of issues related to wellbeing, appropriate tools to identify emotional needs and to monitor the impact of interventions. -
SEND Development Plan (369KB)
3rd March 2017This SEND Development Plan aims to support SENCos to reflect upon the impact of provision in their school rather than maintaining the status quo. The sections included have been taken from the SEND Review (DfE Aug 2016). -
Accessibility Plan and PSED (338KB)
19th September 2016This information provides proformas for an accessibility plan, evidence of compliance with PSED and the identification of equality objectives. -
SENCo Calendar (227KB)
25th August 2016A calendar of ideas and activities which SENCos may consider for completion during the academic year. -
SEN Information Report proforma (552KB)
15th June 2016This proforma has been provided as a starting place for schools wishing to meet the statutory reporting regulations of the SEN Information Report. Also included are questions from the SE7 Local Offer document. -
SNIP Literacy Programme Part 4 (727KB)
26th May 2015This literacy intervention programme is the second half of the two beat words found in the SNIP Literacy Programme Part 3. Produced by Phil and Carol Smart, both experienced dyslexic tutors, it uses secondary curriculum and high frequency words to support the recognition and spelling of words pupils will need to know in order to read and write fluently. -
Readability Briefing (214KB)
20th May 2015Brief information on readability levels and identifying reading ease, plus passages of text at known readability levels to assist the matching of pupils' reading and comprehension abilities to curriculum text material. -
Ten steps for spending the Pupil Premium (351KB)
24th March 2015This document is a ten-point plan for spending the Pupil Premium successfully as identified by Sir John Dunford, national pupil premium champion. -
The SEN & Disability Code of Practice (Final) (431KB)
1st September 2014This briefing aims to identify the main aspects of the SEND Code of Practice as they relate to schools. -
School Statutory duties on SEND C of P (174KB)
21st June 2014This information identifies the statutory duties placed upon schools and included within the SEND Code of Practice (June 2014) -
Research on efficacy of SNIP Precision Teaching pack January 2012 (232KB)
24th February 2012Research comparing five interventions for struggling readers in Ireland; this includes the SNIP Precision Teaching Pack. Findings from four years of action research by Dr. Mary Nugent at the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) in Waterford. -
SNIP Literacy Programme Part 3 (771KB)
30th October 2009This literacy interventions programme has been produced by Phil and Carol Smart - both experienced dyslexia tutors. It uses the secondary curriculum words alongside high frequency words to support the recognition and spelling of words that KS3/4 pupils will need in order to read and write fluently. -
SNIP Literacy Programme Part 2 (773KB)
29th October 2009This literacy interventions programme has been produced by Phil and Carol Smart - both experienced dyslexia tutors. It uses the secondary curriculum words plus high frequency words to support the recognition and spelling of words that pupils will need in order to read and write fluently. -
SNIP Literacy Programme Part 1 (253KB)
30th June 2009This literacy interventions programme has been produced by Phil and Carol Smart - both experienced dyslexia tutors. It uses the primary high frequency words to support the recognition and spelling of words that pupils will need in order to read and write fluently. -
Year R Literacy Pack (353KB)
21st March 2007Activities to increase knowledge of high frequency words. -
Year 4/5 Literacy Pack (451KB)
21st March 2007Activities to increase knowledge of high frequency words. -
Year 1/2 Literacy Pack (323KB)
21st March 2007Activities to increase knowledge of high frequency words. -
Place Value Cards (5KB)
21st March 2007Concrete apparatus to help with identification of hundreds, tens and units. -
Digit Cards (29KB)
21st March 2007Concrete apparatus to assist with the numeracy initiative.